Thursday, February 25, 2010

Winter Walk for B/W Scapes

Had the week off of school for February break.  I woke up Tuesday to a fresh blanket of snow a few inches deep and a gentle snowfall.  I wanted to tackle a few more photography projects than I actually got to over break but this was the best one.  I was loaded up with a new Nikon D700 fitted with a Sigma 24-70mm f/2.8.  New camera, nice new glass.

 If you wanna take photos that are different from everyone else's you have to find different subject matter.  I walked around for about 3 hours with camera and tripod and I was most certainly the only photographer around Forest Park that day.  I did get a few yells from runners and pedestrians about what a nice day it was.  It wasn't bitter cold by any means, my hands could work freely without getting cold.

My main worry was more related to every snowflake that landed on the camera or the lens.  All the images seen here were taken with a Stop & Shop plastic bag slung over the camera.  I tore a hole in the bottom of the bag and stratched that around the lens hood, pulled the bag over the back of the camera and did my best to keep it covered.  I'm am happy with how much snow was falling for the foggy effect it put on the photos.

Upon returning home, I immediately did some research on the Kata camera covers for worry-free shooting in inclement weather.

 All shots made with camera on a tripod.  This is something I've never been a big fan of, but I really wanted to take advantage of the optimal settings for landscapes and use the sensor to it's full potential.  It also forces you to really stick to good shots, or at least ones you think are worth it at the time.

Downloaded a trial version of Nik Software Silver Efex Pro to do the B/W conversion in Photoshop.  It makes it easy to find a good jumping off point to work from on your conversion.  I'm not shelling out the cash any time soon, though.  

Hope you enjoy. Click photo for full version at homepage.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I had a photoshoot with Yahaira, a cool local model. She was primarily looking for headshots with a beaded necklace she got in Mexico. We moved onto a couple more setups. This was all shot in the basement studio.

A couple other shots shown below. All shot with some combination of an Alien Bee 800 and 2 Speedlights in some formation.